Many businesses struggle with unlocking the potential to turn ideas into sustainable value and the IC Innovation Club Making Innovation Happen (MIH) Framework can help.
The framework can be used increase innovation by iteratively exploring innovation from several angles - culture, business models, acceleration, contagion, marketing, collaboration, making it business as usual, measurement and management. We take a whole-system view as opposed to siloed interventions that don’t stick.
The MIH Framework
The MIH Framework provides a means of changing the way people, teams and organisations look at innovation, the different types of innovation journey, and how to systemically turn ideas into sustainable value.
The 5 MIH Framework Principles that underpin the framework are:
- The main purpose of innovation is to turn ideas into sustainable value.
- Sustainable value can be created in many ways.
- Innovation is a complex journey, comprising a mix of people, processes, technology and culture that varies over time.
- Innovation is an inclusive activity.
- Changing innovation outcomes means changing the innovation system.
These principles are important, recognising the MIH definition of innovation - turning ideas into sustainable value.
Implementation of the MIH Framework is based on 4 stages
- Iterative Exploration - a key enabler to identify what matters most when looking at innovation from a systems perspective. Different attributes of the existing system can be baselined to provide a foundation for change.
- System Reframing - a means of identifying the critical system attributes that make up the complex innovation system, a first necessary step in making systemic change.
- Sustainable Implementation - making sure that innovation will stick so the momentum gained during the creation of new ideas is not lost and the barriers that have constrained innovation in the past are removed.
- Continuous Review - ensuring that the innovation journey continues. Innovation is not just a one-time event; it is a continuous process.
The MIH Framework can unlock potential innovations any level, be it business, organisation, team, or industry. It’s a flexible, not rigid, framework, recognising the importance of the mix of people, process, technology, and culture that is needed to make innovation happen – and that making change that sticks only happens when the mix changes.

The IC Innovation Club
Interimconsult are launching the IC Innovation Club as a purpose-led venture to Make Innovation Happen by adopting the MIH Framework.
As such we have adopted Pricing for the Purpose of Innovation Policy. The aim is to help people and businesses turn ideas into sustainable value with member fees set at a rate that is affordable for different size organisations – we want a diverse mix of people.
Participation is an investment in both the individual’s and organisation’s capability to innovate – the time to participate will be the biggest investment and the return on that investment could be significant.
We have a membership model that can increase innovation. Businesses and organisations can not only pay for their own membership places – but also places for other organisations such as partners or suppliers. Innovation is an inclusive activity so diverse engagement with partners and suppliers is something that itself makes innovation happen via innovation clusters.
Members will come from a wide range of other organisations and backgrounds – diversity is an important feature of innovation.
Therefore, there is a cap of only five places from any one organisation. If your business would like to sponsor places from other organisations to create an innovation cluster, or as part of your social impact plan, that’s also possible - the cap is on a per organisation basis. We really are taking a different approach to membership based on what really does make innovation happen.
Our one ask is that if you do reserve a place, we want engagement. This is important for every other IC Innovation Club Member. We want people that are committed to, and curious about, innovation. A mix of people increases diverse thinking and collective experience. Our novel plans for engagement are designed to provide a different perspective on innovation - and will also make membership enjoyable and challenging – both key ingredients that foster innovation.
Individual members will be working at a level where they have sufficient influence to make change at an organisation, business unit, alliance, or team level. Innovation is not restricted to just developments in technology, it can happen in any organisation, at any level, and at any time.
As a purpose-led organisation, this venture is aligned with the purpose behind the Interimconsult 1% Make a Difference Commitment where 1% of Interimconsult’s total sales is used to support charities and our community. Making Innovation Happen should also Make a Difference.
Some details on the MIH framework and membership fees are shown below, or you can visit the web page and register your interest here – the Pricing for the Purpose of Innovation Policy makes it outstanding value.
Each month, members will have access to the following:
- IC Unlock 1-2-1 monthly innovation sessions with an Innovation Champion
- IC Explores Webinars
- IC Roundtable Discussions
- Two IC240 Podcasts
- Podcast Member Interviews
- White Papers
- Online access to ‘How To’ template documents and tools
- References and Case Studies
- WhatsApp Group Membership
- Email Nudges
IC Innovation Club Fees - Pricing for the Purpose of Innovation
As part of the launch in May we have a limited number of places available to participate in a trial. There’s no commitment beyond the trial – to give a sense of scale our initial aim is to have just 30 members at the outset.
The fees per membership place are :
- Large Enterprise - £125 per month
- SME - £100 per month
- Microbusiness - £80 per month
- Not for Profit - £80 per month
All prices exclude VAT and membership places will be paid annually in advance.
If you would like to find out more about the IC Innovation Club, how it can help you, and why we are launching it, get in touch by contacting